Using a "Hot-seater" frees up your associates and paralegals
to do their jobs
On-Site Trial Presentation
We efficiently present your exhibits, deposition designations, and graphics so you can focus on the substance of your case. Trial by Fire uses the best trial presentation software to ensure that high-stake trials proceed smoothly. We organize your exhibits and deposition witness video clips in an electronic database. Then at the trial, we display those exhibits on-command.
Graphic Creation
Using color theory and a keen knowledge of graphic design, our designers create custom graphics and presentations to fit any need. We have done graphics for trials, corporate retreats and board meetings.
Courtroom Set-Up
Trial by Fire offers court-room set-up, war-room set-up, and any other resources that your team needs on-site, like equipment rental. We understand the pressure that you face during trial and we are team-players who want to support you. This level of support boosts team morale.
Video Deposition Editing and Production
Trial by Fire can synchronize audio and video, edit anything from recorded phone calls, depositions, corporate videos, and many other formats. When you need persuasive video clips for settlement conferences, mediation, case evaluation, hearings, arbitration, or trial, we can assist.
Day in Life
Site visits
Video Wills
Corporate Videos
Settlement Videos